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Ground yourself as a tree

We are living in a busy and noisy 24/7 world,. We often forget to take a moment to relax . 

A tree pose gives me this moment to relax, enjoying the moment. Being grounded and aware.

Trees are strong but flexible. They are firmly rooted in the ground but yet reach out to the sky with their branches. Trees breath life-giving oxygen into the world and all the life forms them as they exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen.Insects and vines may destroy a tree, yet it keeps on  giving, breaking down into nutrients to sustain other life forms. Because of this many beneficial qualities a tree may be viewed as a ulimate example of selflessness. 

Changing wind directions will not take down the tree, but may alter its path of growth. How do you feel when the winds of change blow through your life and challenge you to keep growing and your direction? 

What are the benefits of a tree pose? 
- Improves balance and stability in the legs and mind 
- Strengthens and tones the entire standing leg
- Assists the body in establishing pelvic stability
- It helps improve concentration
- Builds self-confidence and esteem 

Do not forget that every tree looks different, so your tree does not have to look like mine. Take a moment to breath and let the wind balance your tree and your mind.

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